Review Policy

I do accept submissions for reviews, as my workload permits.  If I cannot for some reason give the submitted work an overall positive review after reading, I will normally decline to post a review at all.  I might give some brief feedback if I decline, but I will not mark up, edit or copy-edit the work.  Opinions in my reviews are entirely my own, and as honest as I can make them.

I will read from pretty much any genre, but for this blog I am looking mainly for: science fiction, fantasy, steampunk, gaslamp fantasy, paranormal, mainstream fiction, feminist fiction, mystery, historical fiction, speculative fiction, YA, crossovers into any of these genres, and non-fiction that somehow relates to the blog (biographies of people in STEM fields, science books for kids, etc.).  I will review books, movies, novellas, novelettes, short stories, TV shows, and sometimes products.

What do you think?